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Nepotism: We’re All Guilty (Even If We Won’t Admit It)

We love to call out nepotism, don’t we? Whether it’s star kids in Bollywood or politicians’ children taking over the family business, we’re quick to point fingers. But here’s the plot twist: we’re all part of the nepotism cycle—yes, you too. Think you’re innocent? Let’s dive in and expose the uncomfortable truth about how nepotism sneaks into our everyday lives.

What is Nepotism? 🧐

In simple terms, nepotism is giving special treatment to family or friends, especially when it comes to jobs, opportunities, or power. Whether it’s making your less-than-competent cousin the manager or hiring your friend because, well, they’re your friend—nepotism is everywhere.

Guess What? You’re Probably Guilty Too! 😅

Here are some ways you might unknowingly be involved in the nepotism game:

1. That Job Hookup for Your Cousin 🧑‍💼

Remember when you forwarded your cousin’s resume even though they weren’t exactly qualified? You didn’t think much of it at the time, but yep, that’s nepotism in action.

2. College Admissions via ‘Connections’ 🎓

Got into a top-tier college because your dad knows someone on the admissions board? That’s not just luck or networking—that’s nepotism. Let’s be real: merit probably wasn’t the main factor here.

3. The ‘Family Contractor’ for Every Job 🛠️

Why bother finding the best professional when your uncle’s friend does the job at half the price? Sure, he’s not the best, but hey, you know him. Again, that’s nepotism creeping into your home improvements.

Bollywood Nepotism: The Favorite Example 🎬

Of course, Bollywood is the poster child for nepotism. We love to slam star kids who can barely act yet land lead roles. But who’s watching those movies? Yep, us! We scream “nepotism” while still buying the tickets and contributing to their fame.

Why We All Secretly Love Nepotism 😬

Let’s admit it—nepotism isn’t just for the rich and famous. We all want shortcuts. If Daddy can get us that dream job, why wouldn’t we take it? We like to pretend it’s unfair when others benefit from it, but deep down, we’d do the same.

But Is Nepotism Always Bad? 🤷‍♀️

Nepotism isn’t always evil. We trust people we know and want to help family and friends. The problem is when it blocks others from fair opportunities. Every time someone benefits from nepotism, someone else loses out.

How to Stop Being a Nepo-Enabler? 🛑

  1. Value Merit: Choose the best person for the job, not just the person you know.
  2. Call it Out: It’s easy to bash nepotism in Bollywood—harder when it’s in your own life. Stay consistent.
  3. Earn It: Avoid shortcuts. Work for your success, and it’ll feel way better!

Conclusion: We’re All Part of the Problem 🧐

Nepotism isn’t just for movie stars and politicians. It’s in our daily lives—helping family with jobs, using connections for admissions, and more. The first step in fixing the problem is realizing how we’re part of it.

So, next time you bash a celebrity for nepotism, ask yourself: Am I guilty too? The answer might surprise you!

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